I was recently in a car accident and submitted a claim with my insurance company, Geico. I'm at the point in the process now where my car has been repaired and Geico has approved the shops supplements and has sent them the money for those additional charges, however I still have the original check that was sent out to cover the amount of the original estimate.

    This is my first time dealing with insurance and I didn't realize that I can't just endorse the check over to shop as it lists both me AND my lienholder on the check. Can I have Geico stop the current check and reissue one that is payable to me and to the shop, rather than to me and my lienholder? It would save me (and the shop) a lot of time if they could do this as I wouldn't have to go back and forth with the lienholder.

    Will Geico reissue a claims check that is made out to me and my lienholder?
    byu/oofdirt inInsurance

    Posted by oofdirt


    1. Busy_Account_7974 on

      They should be able to reissue the check to you and the shop. If your car was totaled that is when they would have the lien holder on the check.

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