tl;dr: Overwhelmed and stressed, trying to help a friend undergoing emergency cancer/surgery treatment.

    My friend is an American citizen living in VA. I need to drive her to the hospital on Friday, using her car. I'll also use her car on the weekend and next week to run errands for her.

    What kind of coverage does she need in her car insurance to ensure I'm covered? Also, what paperwork do I need in the car should there be an accident or get pulled over by a cop?

    I am an American citizen, who's a resident of MA. I don't own a car, but am on my parents' car insurance so I can drive their car. What do my parents' need to add to their car insurance to ensure I am covered while driving my friend's car in VA?

    Separately, I have AAA, and will ensure it's active.


    [MA/VA, USA] What type of Car Insurance covers me to drive my friend’s car?
    byu/dca_user inInsurance

    Posted by dca_user

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