Former OpenAI board member explains why CEO Sam Altman was fired -CNBC.

    Posted by batyrshah


    1. CyberNinja23 on

      Altman sounds like a person to make trips via a homemade submersible to the titanic

    2. I remember when Sam said he’d explain what happened and then just didn’t say anything

    3. Forever_Sorry on

      It was obvious that OpenAI has completely changed in its purpose and design and goal. The coup failed and old conservative, safe, OpenAI is no more.

    4. silver_raichu on

      One look at the guys face and you know he isn’t trustworthy. Dude looks like an alien

    5. The board lost hard at basic politics. When you come for the king you better aim for the head. They needed a way better plan than whatever that half cooked slop they had on an acid trip was.

      Sam Altman might be a lying conman that has complete disregard for AI safety or whatever you want to peg on him. But a board with no skin in the game and 0 understanding of why a bunch of silicon valley derps are so eager to work at OAI isn’t what is going to keep it in check.

      The board might have complete faith in the mission, but nuking Altman with no real backup is just going to erase the potential wealth that every single person at the company is working for. They just want their millies and then gtfo. That’s what most startups are about. And the board just nukes it. With no reasonable plan to keep it rolling. Of course they would just back whoever the fuck can give it to them. No one cares about “safe AGI” or whatever.

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