Recently someone cut me off at a green light and merged left in front of me as I was going striaght. Both cars were damged and the police were called. When the officer got there he wrote down both of our insurance information and the other driver decided to leave in an ambulance. They were entirely at fault and the report stated so. I did not get a chance to file a claim because I had to wait on the police report to get their insurance information. Once I got it, I tried submitting a claim to StateFarm, their inurance company, to get my car fixed, but all I keep getting is a message stating "There may be another claim associated with this incident" when I put in their policy #. How am I suppsoed to submit a claim to them?

    Can’t file a claim with StateFarm
    byu/MasterMemer95 inInsurance

    Posted by MasterMemer95


    1. InternetDad on

      The driver likely filed a claim already to which you can be added. As already suggested, actually pick the phone up to talk to customer service.

    2. sephiroth3650 on

      The other driver has already filed a claim for this. So call the claims department and talk to them about the existing accident claim.

    3. Realistic-Most-5751 on

      Am I the only one in a business relationship with my State Farm agent? I call his office all the time and they get me answers in seconds. This, since 1990 for me.

    4. mssleepyhead73 on

      Because they already filed a claim for the incident. You don’t need two claims for the same incident. You need to call their general claims line to get some assistance on how to proceed.

    5. Legitimate_Emuu on

      so the site said a claim was already filed and you didn’t think to call state farm or go to track a claim? uh huh.

      bless your heart

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