Im 19 and lost my life savings. What do I do now.

    Posted by Low_Wrongdoer3598


    1. bawtatron2000 on

      stop gambling on options when you know nothing about what you’re doing, and buy an index?

    2. I love seeing loss porn, especially with teens who have zero clue what they’re doing, lost it all, and now have to explain to mommy and daddy what they did 😂

    3. NaorobeFranz on

      Oh boy. You need to stop doing options for starters. You’re supposed to have an emergency savings for 6 months, and not have everything in a brokerage account.

      From here you should honestly open a HYSA and put 50% of your income there. You can look into ETFs, though I can’t advise you to buy any specific ones. I’d also recommend starting a Roth IRA. NFA!

    4. NoQuantity7733 on

      Are you going to college?

      My recommendation would be to take all of your student loan money and put them on 0dte Nvida calls.

    5. It’s always nice to see some loss porn while there are a bunch of posts about people earning shitloads of money floating around. Keeps things feeling balanced

    6. Why did you put your entire life savings in options? What did you think would happen?

      As to what you should do; xlose the account, take the money, buy food for a cat or dog shelter or something and buy a good outfit and apply for a job.

      Dont look back and in 2 years you will thank me.

    7. Deposit another $28k and put it all on SPY 0DTE’s. You can make it all back and more! Don’t give up! Fake it until you make it!

    8. Stick it all on one number on roulette. $28.8k return if it comes in. 1/36 chance

    9. Valid_Username_56 on

      Stop being stupid and live on. Those were not your “life savings”. Your life has just started.

    10. bftrollin402 on

      Get a coffee & sausage, egg, n cheese, drive to the casino and put $25 on black and bum a cigarette in the parking lot. That should use up that $28 and change 👍

    11. Pernicious-Peach on

      Well. Jokes aside, you really need a moment of self-reflection here. How did you get in this situation? Did you not see At any point that it was time to cut your losses?

    12. ProofComplaint780 on

      Good experience for you. Could’ve thrown that 29k into Amazon shares a year ago and doubled up. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    13. ionic_bionic on

      Be glad your 19 and can easily overcome this with time. Also perhaps learn from the mistake.

    14. daboiScallywag on

      Dude you can make it out.

      Go into trades with a plan: pull out if it goes negative and sell once you have money a little money.

      The amount you can invest will get higher and the returns will follow due to higher principal amount

    15. answerspleaseme on

      How the fuck do you amass 30k by the time you’re 19? That’s my real question…

    16. Toadally420 on

      This is the wrong place to ask. Everyone here lives for loss porn. You learned an expensive lesson. Own it and move on. You’re young.

    17. I was broke till my late 20s even though I had a college degree and a decent job, you’ll be fine, you have your whole life ahead of you. Just don’t ever trade options again, it’s gambling.

    18. Additional-Celery240 on

      Best thing is to forget and hold in hopes you can recoup. Touch grass and live.

    19. CaptainAvery- on

      I lost 2k YOLOing on options and felt like shit, cant imagine losing 28k fucking hell

    20. Th15isJustAThrowaway on

      Cry? Thats what I would do. You could have put it in an S&P500 index and made $2 million by the time you retire with no extra contributions. At 19 you can make it up, but damn.

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