Yolo'd my entire IRA into hundreds of same day mnq puts before drugging myself to sleep. Slept for 3 hours woke up with a bag. Decided to risk it all multiple times. (This is not trading this is depression gambling.)

    I have no purpose or care for living as of now. But I can defend myself. I probably don't have to work a real job again. I'm going to pay to have Johnny Cochran reanimated. I don't even care anymore. My wife has severe mental issues that are undiagnosable. They never presented themselves until after our daughter was born. I supported her for 10 years. "My attitude is bad." No shit I have to work 80 hrs a week while you make Instagrams that require you to edit them for 8 straight hours. She does nothing productive she's been holding me back but I loved her.

    This money… Should make me so happy. I have no desire to pursue my business any longer. My life was built to support our mutual goals. I did all the work she did all the having fun. I have no desire for life. No one will ever know I have this. I just want my baby away from mentally unstable person with me at all times. I am the insurer, I've provided every meal, piece of clothing, formula, diapers, bottles, every single thing. She quit her job the day she returned from maternity leave because someone disagreed with her in a meeting… OVER FUCKING ZOOM. Good luck to all of you and don't do this unless you have nothing to lose.


    Posted by YOUNG_SQQQ


    1. Damn. Fuck. *What profit is it to a man if he gains the world but loses his own soul* feels all over the place rn.

      Fire gains but — fuck.

    2. AccidentallyBacon on

      dude’s up a 1/4mm$ and the trash took itself out – that’s a good day, treat yo self!

      hang in there buddy, we can’t tell ya for sure it’ll get better, but I can tell ya for sure it can get worse!

    3. RedditPoster05 on

      I’m missing something. How is $430,000 not work a real job again money

    4. Take it easy now friend you have suffered enough. Go have a trip to disney land or something with your daughter.

    5. Sounds like you need a cocaine & hookers binge. Get your manliness back then tell that bitch sit down shut up

    6. well at least you are good at investing since you are obviously fuckin regarded with the rest of life. You deserve both the good and the bad of this situation as you enabled all of it

    7. wait till you hear about this thing call alimony and divorce lawyers. LOL. taxes on short term gains will sound like a joke.

    8. HundoHavlicek on

      Congrats OP. Take a deep breath, enjoy your weekend and try to take it easy

    9. Warm-Can-6451 on

      Hire an attorney! Seriously, if you think you’re depressed now, wait until you get taken through divorce court and custody court as a Dad, you need strong representation and a sound plan and goals that you want to achieve. You got this. I’ve been through similar. Reach out anytime. đŸ™đŸ»

    10. NoQuantity7733 on

      Okay dude that is cool, but don’t do it again. You have a daughter it is not about you anymore

    11. Get it my dawg! We’re all proud of you and your big ball moves. Even more for sticking with a chick with mental illness. Stay smart!

    12. BirdoInBoston on

      I hope you did that through your Caymans LLC.

      Attorney up before you start doing this – or you’ll end up holding a 50% bag

      source: someone and her fiancé have 50% of my original GM3 winnings.

    13. Reasonable-Bet6602 on

      Just hire a few high class Russian hookers now and then when you’re away at work. Trust me it will be cheaper in a long run pal

    14. holololololden on

      You remember the post about the guy who wanted to kill himself so he went to Mexico and bought a bunch of hookers and blow for a blowout and then decided his life was sick and didn’t kill himself?

    15. SaranghaeSarah on

      First of congrats on the gains and not wanna get involved your family issue but it takes two right? Maybe you working overtime and being too focused on money might have something to do with it? You’re saying ‘she is mentally ill’ but you are also ‘depressed’. Anyways this WSB.

    16. go see a therapist 
 and maybe a wealth manager/advisor because this aint retirement money lmao

    17. Lol, that’s not eff you money at all. Unless some shithole country? Judging by your English probably yes.

    18. Dude. Get some therapy. Everyone here focused on attorneys and divorce. But you need some clarity, too – you must’ve been with her for some good reason; she’s the mother of your kid; and the SAHM thing gets less respect than it should from us. I speak from experience – I, too, felt like “fuck that beetch, I make the money.” But makin money is easier than being a parent and definitely easier than doing it alone. Sorry to rain on the “hookers & blow parade” but sharing my hard-learned experience – don’t do anything fast right now

    19. BlackBeard205 on

      Take your profits, take some time off and hopefully get yourself and your family sorted out. Maybe take a vacation or some therapy. Seems like both you could use solo therapy as well as some couples therapy. Do it for the kid at least. Good luck brother.

    20. You have a daughter though, and as a single dad of an amazing daughter, I can tell you it is all worth it. My wife left me 31 years ago as of next Tuesday June 4th. Same thing. We were young. Baby on the way. I worked 2 full time jobs and did some telemarketing in the side for 8-10 hours a week. We didn’t want money. We desperately needed money. That eventually drove her to another man who I guess worked less. Lol. It got me down bro. I feel that, but by the time we split, we had a 6 month old baby girl that meant everything to me. She moved to another state so I picked up and moved there too. Learned that work isn’t what’s important. I worked a full time job and spent as much time as I could with my daughter. Eventually me and my ex learned to coparent and I think we did a great job. She remarried and since I was around so much, me and her husband became good friends. I was there for the birth of their three children and have always loved those kids like my own. To them I’m Uncle Danny. None of the kids know about me and their mother’s hard times. I spent very Christmas with our weird family. I watched all the kids graduate and move on with their adult lives. My own daughter had grown into a strong, incredibly confident and grounded young woman who is in a happy, loving marriage. She tells me all the time how much our blended family shaped and influenced the woman she became.

      Give it time my dude. As much as it sucks now, you may look back in this time as the period in your life that made you stronger and gave you financial independence. No matter what, that little girl will love you no matter what. Just gotta keep your eye on the prize. 😁

    21. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      Hey, I hear you are upset and frustrated. But, it’s difficult to see how harshly you speak of the woman you profess to love. Post partum can be an awful time. And
well, this isn’t r/relationships so, quickly: never wish that a child you care about be parted from their mother. Certainly not over
instagram? And, assuming you aren’t committing a crime in the future, others will know about your IRA. Truly, please, speak with a professional. This is heartbreaking.

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