Tesla investor accuses Elon Musk of $7.5 billion of insider trades, new lawsuit reveals


    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. CocaineBearGrylls on

      Ah, so that’s why he has like 50 kids! His grand plan is to open brokerage accounts under their names to sneak in some trading! Smart.

    2. I still think the insider trading was why he was forced to acquire Twitter. Musk kept fighting the agreement to purchase until one day he agreed to do the deal exactly as agreed *but only if Twitter stopped discovery immediately*. Because he was allowed to sell Tesla stock off-schedule to fund the Twitter purchase, he saved a couple billion by selling while Tesla was at all-time high price.

    3. Nimmy_the_Jim on

      Is this another “investor” that owns single digit  shares? Like the one who took him to court over his stock buyback

    4. Imaginary-Bother6822 on

      Well. What can you do about it. He’s been messing up his company stock and fluctuating the price by giving false updates. SEC can’t even touch him. Welcome to American capitalism 101. Everyone can cry all they want, nothing will happen. Move on

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