So today I bought 3x $SPY 527c 0DTE contracts. At 3:30 I got squared off on 2 of them but $HOOD kept 1 open.
    Now I slept and when I woke up I got this message
    For fkn 160$ profit I now have to be on the hook for 100 $SPY till Monday on margin 😔.

    TLDR: don't smoke some and trade, rather have some coffee and Zyn. Caffeine n Nik is better 💅.

    Also, some rockets for no reason. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

    Posted by NotEvil_WSB


    1. wait a minute how tf does this happen?! i though you could only lose the premium for the contract?!

      doesnt this happen only if you sell naked calls or someshit!?

      so if i buy shit 0DTEs i can just get a random event and be on the hook for 100 shares of whatever?

      can someone explain this to me as if i was a dog i dont understand

    2. Fun-Negotiation-9046 on

      Dude. You’re fine. This happens rather frequently if you do multilegged options on RH, and is always fixed by market open the next trading day. Even in the astronomical chance it failed you didn’t lose that amount, instead you just need to buy that amount in shares. I’m getting tired of seeing these posts lol

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