    Ok… Got many messages, got some new perspectives I never thought about. Also, people saying this was for attention… Think what you want. Gonna end this post here. Thanks everyone.

    Thinking of ending it all…
    byu/psycho_dumb_ass21 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by psycho_dumb_ass21


    1. Swan-Dog-22 on

      There is always a better alternative man. Just keep on trying. You can change your circumstances

    2. G00dWillHurting on

      Don’t do anything rash op. I know this may seem like a hole you can’t get out of, but there’s always a way back up. Please talk to someone.

    3. Optimal-Service8940 on

      Go to the gym and strictly focus on health, it’ll clear your mind. Take a friend with you.

    4. QuirkyAverageJoe on

      Don’t give up. Yes, money matters and losing substantial amounts of money hurts. But, that doesn’t make you and your life worthless. You are gonna die one day anyway. Until then, keep on living and manifesting your life — your one true gift. Take time off for solely yourself if possible. Time is an amazing healer. You will make your way out of the stinging holes eventually. You got this! 🙌

    5. nami_san_vi on

      Bro, stop being a little bitch. You will win if you never surrender! You matter, don’t give up, keep fucking fighting! Stay strong 💪

    6. Please do not end it all. You came on the earth with nothing and you will leave the earth with nothing. So why do we care about losing somethingt that we never had in the first place??? Family issues, medical issues all sucks indeed. But someone or something out there needs you. I dont care how small or how insignificant that someone or something is. Life is so much more than pain, suffering and its worth infitinite amounts more than money. Money a man made one of the most superficial thing on earth. Fuck the devil and enjoy life. Its all in your head.

    7. Soggy-Librarian2737 on

      Ill never understand why these people gamble and then get “depressed” when they lose. Go outside. Go to the gym. Sack up. You just want sympathy for being an idiot. I know you dont want to hear it. If u were gana do it u woulda done it. Yet ur posting on reddit 🤷🏽‍♂️. Pretty sure u willingly gambled away ur money dude. It not like some uncontrollable act of god has removed it from u. Have some accountability.

    8. ExtentAutomatic2190 on

      your life means so much. If you don’t feel like living right now, live for your future self who would be so proud that you’re hanging on. Life may be hard but it can change directions in just a day, a minute, a second.

    9. Unless you have Lou Gehrig’s disease or some shit like that; get-up, go make some money and lose it all again.

    10. Apart-Hovercraft4594 on

      Bruv that’s Haram, hardships can be went throw, it’s all mental

    11. Lumpy-Strike-9400 on

      Let me tell you sth – 10 years ago i lost everything bcz i thought i‘d be smarter than the market. 55k €. Then on top I had to pay 35k € social security for being self employed „the wrong way“ for 6 years. My live was over until it just wasn’t.

      It is ok to panic – you fked up. But let me tell you this: there is always a way and life itself is worth it. I am still at 30k debt but i found a good job and good friends and that is all i ever hoped for. It will not come to you – you have to do the first steps yourself first.

      But you can do it

    12. Traditional-Bus-2550 on

      I lost 40k as well. Comes and goes. Hit the gym focus on your future stay off the options.

    13. Mojojojo3030 on

      I mean I know you need to eat and house yourself, but it really is just money. It is worth less than your life.

      You say nothing works no matter how hard you try in every aspect of life, but it sounds like you have not tried getting counseling for the probable gambling addiction that got you here, or for the depression that makes you think you have tried everything when you haven’t. Call some of these resources that people are sending you, and give it a try. Hey you can’t knock it until you try it, right?

    14. If you can see hear or you can walk and run, even eat and taste some food you’re in a place so many would die for

    15. Brave-Maintenance-77 on

      Ok it’s fine I’ve lost about 50L trading in the india markets too.
      It’s just money man. There’s a possibility you will be filthy rich one day and this loss would mean nothing but that possibility won’t be there if you kill yourself eh bro

      Take a breather

    16. Bro..I’m going to a funeral for 27 old nephew!!  He lost his job and killed himself! Don’t do that! It fucks with the ones you love. I’m thinking,  if I could only had one conversation with him! Life is better! If you need to reach out..I’ll be here for you!! 💗💗

    17. Hey Mate. Tell some friends your thoughts. Don’t be ashamed. It’s life that we have screw ups to know success. If you don’t have a solution now…maybe your friends have some ideas. Connect. More brains are better than one. Give it time. Rome wasnt build without failures in it. Money is not everything. You got this and seek people who are there to help because that is what friendships are for.

    18. You got a mindset of a kid mate. The way you gamble your money and wanting to end it all just because of money. Life’s more than your silly narrow view of what is important

    19. Renaishance on

      Hold on bruh. Have you tried cocaine and fuck bitches while on weed yet? If you haven’t done everything thing yet, why not do them first and see if you can find another reason to live

    20. My first investment bankrupted. Great lesson. Hindsight is the best thing to get back in check.

    21. Former-Form-587 on

      Seek help my friend. Don’t listen to some of these idiots on these subs.

    22. Hey man, trust me sometimes life throws us curve balls but we just gotta keep moving. I just lost my car, my dad was in the Er and I am till my last $1 in my account. I ain’t going to lie but I broke down today knowing for the fact that I can choose the easy way out but what I am going to tell you is that sometimes we will have to lose everything to gain something better. Don’t give up things will fall in its place and just keep striving. We only have one life to live and imagine your story could save someone else’s in the future. You got this bro! Keep your head up and reach out if you need anything. There is is a saying that I always believe in which is losing everything doesn’t mean defeat it means it gives us the opportunity to build for a brighter future. I hope you read this man!!!!

    23. Start expressing yourself more. It really helps. Some may think it’s weird but those aren’t the people you wanna be around.

    24. LawUntoMyBooty on

      Life’s full of ups and downs. You’re experiencing a down at the moment, but life is precious and as far as we know, you only get one shot at it.

      See it through!

    25. You fcked up. It’s okay. You’re human.
      You thought you were doing something to better your life, and it didn’t work out.
      Brush yourself off and get back to it. Life had many ups and downs. This is one. You’ll be okay 😃
      Punch the downs in the throat, say “fck you,” and move on! You can do this!! Life is fun and awesome!

    26. You have every right to feel the way you do right now. People telling you “it’s just money” is partially true if your perspective is it’s just numbers on a screen which it is, but it has inherent value that we give it so of course it’s gonna hurt if you lost a lot of it. That’s normal man, that’s life. Shit happens. It’s ok to be in that state of mind right now and it’s reasonable to be upset at yourself BUT and this is a big but, it gets better with time. Even if you don’t accept that fact right now it’s still a fact, and when things do get better for you I hope you pay it as much attention to how joyful and good things are for you and live in the moment as you are now. All the best.

    27. in_and_out_burger on

      We’ve all made mistakes and have regrets and some of us have many dark thoughts.
      Just take it one foot in front of the other – have a cheeseburger, go for a walk, use your skills to help someone.
      There are better days ahead.

    28. Clever_droidd on

      Start reading some stoicism.

      One principle that helped me deal with regret is to focus on what you have, instead of what you don’t have. What we don’t have is nearly infinite. We will never be happy unless we are content with what we have, even if it is very little. It could be as little as having a full able body. Literally stop to smell the roses (or other flowers). Look at nature and the wonder of what’s around us all the time. Look for all of the free beauty in the world. Look up at the sky. A nice sky is as calming as the ocean if you stop to look at it.

      Act in ways that adds value to others and yourself.

      Be a person of character and not excuses.

      Learn the lesson from your loss. No need to dwell on it, but know that you are wiser than you were before. Go forward with that confidence.

      Don’t be a victim or villain, be a hero of your story.

    29. realpersonnn on

      Get into grilling or smoking, smoke some ganja and have a corona with lemon

    30. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      Why? Isn’t life short enough already? Saint Augustine says that folks who want to take their life, don’t actually want to end their lives, rather to end the pain they are experiencing. What torments you? I had a buddy end his life and left all of his family and friends to grieve his loss. He was happy on the outside but must have suffered all kinds of horrible things on the inside. He told no one. Not even his wife. I’d do anything to help if I could, but it blindsided everyone.

      If someone really wants to take a bad situation and make it as horrible as it can possibly get, there’s no stopping them. But before you do, please tell me the secrets. What are the thoughts you’re having? Why on earth do you even remotely consider this as an option? Why?!

      The reasons I haven’t personally killed myself is this reasoning; life is short enough and will end soon enough there’s no need to rush the process, I’m not a murderer, I’m not the problem, I’m narcissistic so I think it would be a tragedy to have a world without me in it, I’m not 100% certain what happens when you die (what if I wake up to an even worse awareness after killing myself?), I can’t drink beer or fuck if I’m dead; I greatly enjoy both.

      If you haven’t tried marijuana and having sex, At least try that a few times. If you haven’t tried taking 10 shots of vodka and then going for a 3 mile run, that’s a blast as well (something about getting delirious and running without pain is exhilarating)

    31. Bruh, it’s just numbers on a screen. Lol America is 37 trillion debt. The entire system is a fughazi.

      Don’t end anything my guy, keep on living.

    32. Take this as a learning lesson that will change your perspective on trading and using that lesson, you can learn what risks to avoid next time.

      If you end it all then you will leave this earth knowing nothing of what your future opportunities could bring you. We always highlight the gains but never understand the losses. I would advise you to put down trading for a while and just look to enjoy other aspects of life.

      A lot of people on WSB have had their fair share of losses so don’t ever feel like you’re alone in the battle. I will leave you with something to think about. If you end your life today then you may miss your biggest opportunity tomorrow.

      I hope you can get through this and please use this as a lesson because we all have our rock bottoms but they do not have to define us.

    33. Assault_Facts on

      If you ended it then you are going to stay a loser for eternity. Sounds lame af why don’t you try sucking it up and turning things around like most of us have had to probably multiple times in our lives???

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