Outflows from IT funds keep trending up over the last four weeks. Don't be left holding the bag.


    Posted by Delavan1185


    1. Doesn’t really help if you don’t know exactly what they’re pulling out from. The one stock they don’t abandon could be the one you leave just for it to go 100% higher in the next 6 months.

    2. Is it common to use the London stock exchange group to get information about the US stock exchange?

    3. SavingsGullible90 on

      What a stupid assumption. Learn what the heck is it and related businesses then come back

    4. maybe….maybe not if you bought low enough. So when NVDA goes wild at earnings again….we’re going to see money flow back. What’s the point?

    5. A lot of this is the cloud providers that have tanked over the last few weeks. Pre-earnings it was the right call.

      But they’re so beaten down and their forward multiples so low, I feel like it’s overdone.

      My job at least is supposed to leave me relatively uniquely qualified to opine on the medium term prospects of these companies, and they seem as strong as ever.

      They’re critical to enterprises, will become only more critical, and I see nothing that will replace them barring this post singularity AI does everything world that makes all companies impossible to value anyway.

    6. Electrical-Plum-6120 on

      Ah yes, the smart money is following the guys plowing a billion dollars into and out of the stock market like f*cking lunatics

    7. You reference outflow from a chip stock. Sure that big blue bar looks scary on this scale but assuming you’re right 700 million is 0.035% of 2 trillion. Is that something worth reacting to??

    8. cryptoislife_k on

      so this chart tells me money in May left “IT” and I’m holding NVDA bags now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    9. What a surprise! Old fund people don’t know anything new, but they still need to keep their money safe by investing in the same boring ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop); gold, industrials, and of course in other old financial friends from the sector. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)

    10. solarpowernap on

      Unless your time horizon is short this tells me to wait 6 months and buy in at lower prices. You can follow these funds into Mordor, but you ain’t no Frodo.

    11. whodeyalldey1 on

      Oh shit, guys it’s all over! OP posted a stupid graphic. The bull rally is done for!

      There’s no denying it, you can clearly see that OP posted a series of graphs spanning 2 weeks of market data.

      I am going to conclusively refute OPs rock solid-claim now: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)

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