$NVDA Jensen treats taiwan semiconductor industry CEOs to dinner. $150 USD per table (8-10 people per table)


    Posted by CMScientist


    1. what is this post about? ive literally treated more people to a more expensive dinner on more than one occasion.

    2. headless429 on

      That’s like $15 per person. I’m sure he spent a little more than that

    3. spacecadet501st on

      Wow that’s a lot of money. Hope the humble fella has enough to cover it. If the company’s finances are strong enough maybe they will reimburse him from this big splurge

    4. RuthlessWolf on

      me tryna find the product companies in this picture since whatever hansen touches turns into gold ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    5. I love $NVDA, and I am not going to be against it.

      But if there was ever a photo which says we are near a top — this would be it.

    6. I think they had fun, so probably better than having a “fancy” dinner.

    7. TrynaEarnSomeBucks on

      Treating already rich CEO is no news. Tell me when he’s decreasing his insane margins and spending tiny bit of that money paying factory workers live-able wages

    8. Ultrabananna on

      What people don’t understand in here is for $150 a table in asian countries you have a luxury dinner for multiple people. It’s not like the u.s. where food is a luxury. Where a good well prepped meal is $100-500 a person. For $150 in asian countries I can get 8-10 dishes that equates to something that would cost $50-100 per dish in value if in the u.s. They make sure good food is at least affordable. If you think about it he just spent about a week’s pay per table for the minimum wage worker in his country. Rough estimates guys. So let’s say you make 18-20 per hour in an Asian country the cost of a meal at say their equivalent of kfc or Popeyes is about 5-10 or 15 max a meal. Or for a whole chicken bucket that feeds 2-3 people 26. Take out dish for one? 10. Now in compare that to minimum wage u.s. which is $7.95-$16nyc McDonald’s is charging 18 for a big Mac meal. Popeyes $40+. So youre spending a hour+ of your pay on a big Mac meal that’s not factoring in the tax deducted from your check. Eat at a fact restaurant? Michelin stars? $200+ per person half a week’s pay almost.

    9. 2cents-worth on

      Expensive, tasteless dinners at overpriced restaurants for the ambiance is mostly a western thing. 

      In most Asian countries taste is king. If you don’t have good tasty food it would be considered a total failure. 

    10. He could literally treat everyone in Taiwan to dinner and hed still be fine

    11. Disastrous-Peak-4296 on

      I can’t even take my own family out for less than 150USD.. where’s he at? Wendys?

    12. hekatonkhairez on

      150 usd is fucking cheap lol.

      And this is how we know that Nvidia is being well run.

    13. StunningAssistance79 on

      Anyone that doesn’t think he kept the recipt and handed in the next day at work understands NOTHING about Asian culture or how rich people think.

    14. long and fruitful relationship. Hopefully the AMD ceo does the same. I need both those companies to go higher.

    15. So that’s why he’s doing the split! He doesn’t want to sell an entire share for the evening…

    16. Commercial_Ease8053 on

      Who cares? $150 for a meal is literally nothing for most adults with a job lol

    17. This is how we do it in Taiwan and the food is excellent, the alcohol is flowing, and mates have a good time; none of that pretentious snob shit.

    18. he will probably buy a $1500 call option and make it back next week to reimburse dinner costs

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