Made 12k in May trading options! Took me 5 months to master this skill. Excited for June!

    Posted by ParsleyZealousideal6


    1. lookhereifyouredumb on

      So did you just come here to show us your dick or are you going to give us tips on how to fuck?

    2. Icy_Raisin6471 on

      Come on OP, aren’t you going to mention some course or something you’re trying to sell? lol

    3. Sad_Chest1484 on

      8% last month when QQQ was up 5% with a way better sharpe ratio. Hmmm sounds like a bad idea

    4. LostRedditor5 on

      Guys he MASTERED the skill of options in 5 months

      Can’t wait to see June either brother

    5. Fireball8732 on

      This account will be blown up by the end of the year if not within next few months

    6. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      MASTER ??? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    7. Far-Requirement9180 on

      “Took me 5 months” lol ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    8. Master options in 6 months, trades on robin hood.

      Sir do you know any of greeks?

    9. zona-curator on

      You better start learning how to master flipping burger if you wanna keep your job at Wendy

    10. No-Consequence-6807 on

      Congrats! You successfully picked some pennies off the highway. Don’t stop; never stop honing that “skill”.

      Why sell puts? Just sell naked calls.

    11. Jealous_Top8696 on

      Glad you’re winning but man, that one red day is bigger than any of your Green Days. The best loser wins

    12. LumpiestNuts on

      My chart is the exact opposite of this so I flip it upside down so it looks better

    13. Bro “mastered the skill” during a month that the index was up 5%.

      Everyone mastered that skill this month.

    14. Reminds me of a time when I walked into a casino. Had $100 to my name, stood at the roulette table and put it all on black. Turns out.. it hit black. Walked out of the casino as not only a master of statistics but a professional gambler.

    15. “Master the skill”! The skill is not mastered till you blow it all on 0dte in June.

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