Warren Buffett portfolio as of 1Q 2024


    Posted by ChampionshipUsed9855


    1. No nvidia? Warren is no longer the guru he used to be. He is nothing but a relic

    2. He holds coca cola, but not LLY? Diabetes needs company ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. freshcheesepie on

      How much cash does he have in proportion to this? Having one stock take up 40% of your portfolio at 100yrs old definitely feels like he belongs here

    4. According_Web_8907 on

      I have the exact allocation and don’t have as much money as him so he’s full of it

    5. I am waiting for him to post a picture of his Robinhood account on this site.

    6. Live_Key2247 on

      Never forget that he made all of his big bucks in options, and the “dividend paying investment he made at 11” hasn’t even made him a thousandth of a percent on the returns he got on selling KO puts in the 90s

    7. I followed him into Paramount. Still down, waiting for the acquisition to happen and save me.

    8. He’s has quite a bit more investments. This is probably just his 13F filing

    9. LordFaquaad on

      The real income generator which put him on tbe map was his insurance / reinsurance business. Tbe long term duration of insurance contracts is basically how he stayed in his positions for so long

    10. elpresidentedeljunta on

      This doesn´t look like my portfolio at all. How can he be so wr… wait… DOH!

    11. Narrow-Height9477 on

      I don’t know much about his strategies- I’d assume the larger holds are for reduced risk/protection and the smaller ones are hopeful growth?

      …or is he just selling options on all of it?

      Can anyone point me towards learning more?

    12. This is the portfolio of Berkshire Hathaway.

      Warren Buffetts portfolio is 100% Berkshire Hathaway.

    13. SinisterStroodle on

      Spoiler alert: Warren Buffett has a secret shitcoin account, it consists 90% of Bonk Coin holdings

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