Stock up on NVDA puts before the herd!

    Posted by Ltcjunkie


    1. NVIDIA is USA based, the foundries are what Taiwan owns with the most notorious one being TSMC, if it falls into the chinese hands then trading will probably be the last of your problems

    2. ISeeYourBeaver on

      And just how long have the Chinese been saying shit like this?

      “Yap yap yap, yap yap yap…yap yap.” is all it is.

    3. With how markets reacted in Russia when they started their invasion you can’t help but want to believe that China saw that and decided that war would not be good for their markets and economy. So until they have a better hold on their economy when they can stomach a war and not completely get wrecked with their economy or if they are forced into a war, then China’s threats are all just for show.

    4. Mountain_Tone6438 on

      Dammit, they bought puts before the earnings call.

      Now they’re coming to collect.

    5. flyiingduck on

      We are 25 years from a one century long independent Taiwan.
      By that time there will be almost no one alive from the 1940s.
      Yet, China continues to act like it was yesterday.

    6. DegenerateGambler556 on

      Just a bunch of saber rattling. At the end of the day, china isn’t going to do shit

    7. ghostmetalblack on

      I feel like CCP just says this every once in a while so their TMSC Puts will print.

    8. The best thing ever would be to hear the leader of Taiwan issue a response.

      “Blah blah blah blah blah blah” [while doing the talking thing with your hand]

    9. LIQUIDSUN69 on

      When my mom forcefully wants me to stop something I just run away. Taiwain should do the same.

    10. InterPeritura on

      Chinese “invasion” is kinda like Fed “rate cuts.”

      Every now and then, they will dangle the prospects around for various intents and purposes, but they just won’t do it.

    11. Someone doesn’t have the guts to do something it seems . All this talk is getting lame tbh

    12. LethargicBatOnRoof on

      This is like North Korea threatening to annihilate the south or Russia saying they will nuke somebody if they don’t get a candy bar in the check out line.

      Nothing is actually going to happen.

    13. JustinTime4242 on

      China needs to shit or get off the pot.

      All this Saber rattling is boring AF

    14. That’s their schtick in China. It’s the equivalent of a U.S. politician saying he’s gonna do something about the national debt.

    15. China belongs to taiwan and the current government in china is a rebel government that failed to fully defeat the legitimate government.

      Works both ways.

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