With the recent spike in fanaticism about the stock that shall not be named, caused by the post that shall not be named, I have to wonder if Robinhood will have the same liquidity problems it had back in the day. The only difference now is that it is a publicly traded company. While I don't think the company is in any real danger, that doesn't meant the market won't react to the possibility. Anyway I plan to full port into HOOD puts at open

    Position: at the money $HOOD puts at open

    Puts on $HOOD
    byu/Wrath_FMA inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Wrath_FMA


    1. Mountain_Tone6438 on

      Since market is closed.

      Post your positions…start with Doggy…😏😘

    2. MarxKnewBest on

      Full porting into anything other than NVDA this week, this month, this year… 🤷🏾‍♂️

    3. Brilliant_Matter_799 on

      I thank you for your sacrifice. All in Hood calls it is. Due to increased trading on Hood.

    4. Robinhood is the only reason GME popped in the first place, and everyone leaving is the main reason GME stock went down. Y’all got tricked into ditching Robinhood for supposedly working with Citadel for brokerages that publicly partner with Citadel. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


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