My BRK.A $186 buy order ended up filling but at $648k… Phoned my broker they said it hit NYSE and I actually own the share. This in my TFSA and it took out margin/negative amount in the account to buy it. Don't actually have the money to buy it. You are not allowed to have margin on a TFSA. The brokers system messed up… Would never think I would be able to say I am BRK.A holder

    Edit: If you are looking for pics, sort by controversial it will probably show

    My BRK.A got filled…
    byu/Chunkymonkey755 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Chunkymonkey755


    1. Wise-Ad-1998 on

      It’s getting reversed anyway lol all those stocks that glitched today aren’t getting settled don’t get too excited

    2. You called NYSE… How does that even happen ?

      They will reach back to you and recall the share just wait a bit

    3. You’re supposed to use a limit order… I guess that technically falls on your broker though…

    4. BarackOballsma on

      So this is just an error from your broker? Won’t they correct this tomorrow?

    5. TheBattleGnome on

      No one got any shares with the glitch. They won’t honor it. No broker is going to honor it and have to pay the difference if they let it slide.

    6. Heh, watch this be the glitch that fucks the 1 day settlement where they don’t react fast enough to cancel 💀

    7. spanishdictlover on

      No way. Those trades always get broken by the exchange. That’s not gonna hold up. I know people who have tried this in the past.

      EDIT: Holy sheet, I misunderstood your post. You MARKET bought and were immediately down $16k? Yikes. I thought you put a limit order in at $185 (glitch price) this morning and got it. That of course would get reversed. But wow.

    8. This was the biggest mistake of your life
      Lost 17K in a day
      Never ever use Market type Orderrrrer

    9. punkprince182 on

      damn. Hope you can get out of this one alive.
      Best case, the stock moves above your cost basis and you can close it out.
      What did the broker say? If it’s true that the trade shouldn’t have happened on margin, curious now what they do. Keep us posted.

    10. KablooeyJoe on

      So you wanted to buy at $168, but set a market order instead of a limit order and got filled at $648k? Yeah that’s not gonna get reversed, your broker will auto sell at a loss and you’ll be researching extradition free countries in no time.

    11. schroDONGer on

      I’ll pray Brk goes up tonight so this doesn’t totally blow up in your face. Good luck, bro!

    12. Future-Muscle-2214 on

      lol if true you are in deep trouble if you don’t fix that shit up and sell this asap, but it is most likely bullshit.

    13. You’re not allowed to use margin in a TFSA account so, glitch or not there’s something fishy here.

    14. Frangipane33 on

      You’re not alone, some shares traded at 700k+ it seems after trading resumed. You can pray that NYSE corrects the price but it seems very unlikely given it was “only” 2-3% off market. It is also very unlikely that the trade will be cancelled, so you should mitigage the share’s risk yourself.

    15. Advanced-Aardvark-87 on

      Just sit on it cus die to todays glitch fuck fast it will pump up higher than before it only dropped due to people saying wtf and old Buffett saying oh yea buying back some shares on the cheap. It will be higher than before by friday cus they dont want investors getting squeamish die to a glitch. Prob was a hack anyway.

    16. GlamourCatNYC on

      If you entered the trade during the times listed in the below NYSE Trader Alert, you’re going to be OK.

      NYSE Group Equities Exchanges – Ruling in BRK A

      June 3rd, 2024 3:55 PM
      NYSE Group Equities Exchanges in conjunction with other UTP exchanges, has ruled to bust all erroneous trades in Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK A) from 09:50- 9:51 at or below $603,718.30 related to the CTA SIP issue from earlier today. This ruling is not eligible for appeal.

    17. When I have bad days it’s threads like this that keep me uplifted, god bless OP

    18. FanOfSilence on

      Did you actually think you and other smart people would profit $600k here?

    19. Landed_port on

      You put a market buy on one of the most volatile stocks in human history, and didn’t use a limit order?

      You dropped your crown, king: 🪖

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