My NVDA wild ride ($832k gain)

    Posted by NVDA_IS_MY_DAWG


    1. Congrats! What was your reason to sell now, OP? Financial need, taxes or just, I am done with this roller coaster ride and happy to exit an elated customer…

    2. Stillwater32 on

      Does the closed quantity mean you sold almost half of your position and you are still letting the other half ride?

    3. Responsible_Emu_5840 on

      Congrats! Roll it over into more appreciating things like real estate. Compound it!

    4. Ok_Satisfaction2658 on

      Wow in 2021 i should have just bought shares god damn it not options what an idiot I am

    5. Not-so-Funny story….

      I had 10k worth of NVDA shares back in 2018 at $40 a share. My mom ended up needing to borrow money so I sold my portfolio. I was in it for the long haul and definitely would left a lot of it in for the ride. This was before the last split and everything. I just recently got back into the Market and bought NVDA at 946 lol. Should be showing Gain porn like you “/

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