I’ve never seen Chicago PMI this low WITHOUT a recession or economic slowdown


    Posted by Spy300


    1. brew_radicals on

      What about all those other points where it dips down? Why didn’t you circle those with your crayon?

    2. delicious_oppai on

      Don’t sweat the small stuff. Market will V to 527 every day. Just buy calls!!!!!!

    3. This era is breaking all kinds of records like the inverted yield curve, fastest rate hike, etc.

    4. InterPeritura on

      Because slowdown is what the Fed wants?

      The question is if we can keep edging without a recession while putting a damper on inflation.

    5. RioSanPedro on

      The plunge protection team is buying everyday. Gotta keep the house of cards going until November.

    6. The market will stay exuberant longer than you can stay solvent trying to short it

    7. gaius_worzels_bird on

      Dude I’ve tried being logical but I end up losing most money. My portfolio turned green when I decided to be a brain-dead bull and buy every dip ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    8. Obamasdeadcook on

      Recession happens AFTER election

      Biden has to pretend everything is ok until then

    9. PeePooDeeDoo on

      it’s almost as if the market doesn’t wanna follow tha rules huh wise guy 🥸

    10. itsallrighthere on

      A 7% deficit with a 3.5% unemployment rate will do that. For a while.

    11. Yea I seen this earlier today, deleveraged a bit to look into jobs report doubt its going to crash the market but I’m imagining unemployment at 4% will probably see our first real correction of the year if thats the case. Same setup as last year, though july through October shake out.

    12. People don’t realise that we are already in a recession in real terms.

      Market is barely back to 2021 levels and we’ve had how much inflation in that time?

    13. TheDonRonster on

      I hate to sound like a “this time it’s different” airhead, but the amount of market manipulation and government intervention that has been exponentially increasing over the years has me a bit on the skeptical side.

    14. Wheelsondalabus on

      Imo that’s why we got friday’s drop into today but the market is regarded and rockets up in the last 15 minutes so everything looks fine

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