Elon Musk told Nvidia to prioritize shipments of processors to X and xAI ahead of Tesla.


    Posted by batyrshah


    1. Ok_Somewhere4737 on


      others would eat Nvidia alive if Nvidia will do it … not speaking about sec

    2. So he’s holding a 52B gun to the head of Tesla investors and if they don’t pay up he’s gonna actively hurt the company and help his other ones? The board should fire him today.

    3. so no fsd on 8/8? i mean supervised fsd![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) hm… smells jail time

    4. This guy is headed for the door of Tesla so fast right now. The board needs to remove him and find a replacement.

    5. Cold-Permission-5249 on

      This sounds like he’s failing at his fiduciary responsibility to Tesla which should be decent grounds for a class action lawsuit for investors.

    6. LoriLeadfoot on

      Lol he’s going to get sued by someone holding a single share of TSLA again and lose.

    7. TomatoSpecialist6879 on

      Jensen threw TSLA a bone with the shoutout and Musk immediately try to take as much advantage as possible :4271:

      If Zuckerberg is a lizard, then Musk is a fridge shaped goblin

    8. Piffdolla1337take2 on

      What does x need with shipments of processors it’s not like that have a physical product using them people buy

    9. Serpentongue on

      Tesla shareholders love it when their CEO goes against their companies best interests.

    10. Is there a possibility for a majority on the board to unite and fire him? Or is the board licking his toes religiously?

    11. mobtowndave on

      so much for TSLA being an “AI company”.

      i have zero regrets selling my ten year stake in it

    12. ThrottledBandwidth on

      I almost want to buy Tesla stock just to get to participate in future class action lawsuits

    13. packpride85 on

      Not sure why people are freaking out. Those chips were for the Austin datacenter that wasn’t even built yet. So instead of just sitting there gathering dust they swapped with X’s later allotment. Zero damage done to Tesla.

    14. WeAreTheMachine368 on

      He should be fired by the Tesla board with immediate effect, as he is now clearly in breach of his fiduciary duties to shareholders. It’s so obvious how he is intentionally trying to blackmail his fellow shareholders into voting for his outrageous share compensation by actively working against Tesla’s interests.

    15. Why I sold my nvda and kept a tsla position 2 years ago makes me truly regarded.

    16. Imagine Elon did the meme that shoetseller live “Tesla is just a car company”

      If that the case maybe xAI should buy out Optimus project from Tesla

    17. JazzyButternuts on

      Does he want the nazis on twitter to get a brain chip? Lol space karen gets dumber every day.

    18. leon-theproffesional on

      3 consecutive missed quarters and this house of cards will finally fall and it will be biblical.

    19. iGunslinger on

      I don’t know why TSLA isn’t tanking. The CEO is actively preventing the company in succeeding.

    20. GeneralZaroff1 on

      If he wasn’t the CEO of all three companies, the headline would read “Tesla CEO knowingly gave away AI chips to competing AI company”

      Imagine if Microsoft did this lol.

    21. I wonder whats going on in the heads of people working for Tesla.

      On one hand he is clearly bored of everything, except his new toy, xAI.

      On the other, if they get rid of him, what will they do? Most of their value is the hype he generates.

      I really dont get why he needed to create a whole new company outside of Tesla for AI if not specifically to use it as leverage.

    22. When will people realize that when you invest in tesla you also invest in xAI? Tesla shareholders are cucked? sure lol whatever it takes for me to buy TSLA lower

      Elon will retire me early, have fun working until you’re 72, wagies

    23. Shoddy_Republic4051 on

      Pay the man what was agreed. I think that’s fair. Why can’t anyone see that? Without him none of you Tesla shareholders would have a stock worth anything more than a few dollars…. Most likely the company would have gone bankrupt 10 years ago

    24. There’s a pretty easy solution here. Stop buying Tesla stock. I’ve sold off most of my position outside of small percentage. I’ll be back once Elon accidentally fires his brain.

    25. businessboyz on

      This makes sense if you are Musk. Tesla is ahead of the competition by a lot when it comes to chip investment. Nvidia admitted so itself.

      But xAI and X are seemingly behind compared to OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, and Anthropic. And it’s only getting more expensive to uplevel these LLMs to the next generation.

      Right thing at the macro level for Musk, but sucks for Tesla who should obviously keep investing to maintain their lead. One of the pitfalls of this type of conglomerate style management are moments like this where micro and macro goals conflict.

    26. BraveOmeter on

      If my CEO found out that I held the same title at another company, and as part of my job at that other company I was giving priority to that company in any way, I would have been fired before that second part even came to light.

    27. StudioPerks on

      Elon is pivoting. He’s been diversifying his own position in TSLA while manipulating the stock so he can further over leverage it in an attempt to spin up another business before this one tanks

      Oh yeah, and if starship exploded again then SpaceX will be starting to look like thry need to pivot to Ai too

      If someone had a Quantum Computer breakthrough today, tomorrow Elon would announce Quantum Ai Robotaxis Rockets that tweet porn

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