Up 50k on $HIMS (dick pills) should I sell lol


    Posted by its-me-reek


    1. DemisHassabisFan on

      It depends, is 50k a lot to you? Is it something you need right now or in the near future?

    2. Adam_Friedland_TAFS on

      Yes, for the love of god, don’t be another tragic “I was up 50K, next thing I know I was blowing a guy for half a sandwich” statistic. If you have the thought “I should sell” – DO IT

    3. personally i would take 25-50% off and hold rest for free. huge win for the program, so book some. but also i realize i am writing this in WSB…

    4. Hold until expiry then sell. Beats on every earnings and charts well until EOY.

    5. RaisedByMonsters on

      ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) “If it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

    6. Careful_Pair992 on

      Sell half now, and in another 1/4.. sell another half of the holdings.. and keep repeating until a week before expiry

    7. TimeThief2123 on

      How tf did you know to buy these back in December?? Fuck you and congrats

    8. CrusaderPeasant on

      Man I thought you would be way up than 50k. Anyway, if you are in doubt, sell.

    9. JadedButWicked on

      It’s going to moon over the next few quarters. I had a deep dive but I want to publish it closer to earnings. There is evidence that weight loss is already their most popular category for new customers now and they never updated their guidance yet so it isn’t priced in. Make sure your calls are itm.

    10. Dry_Armadillo_2092 on

      Can only stay up for so long … before you need to call your doctor .  Good enough for a screen shot ….

    11. Ya’ll dumbfucks think you need to 100% hold or 100% sell.

      Sell some for a net profit and hold the rest. You’re playing with house money now

    12. username81251 on

      Honestly if it was shares who knows but with options you really do have to lock in profits when you get them

    13. FamiliarHurry3585 on

      Its up because they got a deal to sell the new ozempic style weight loss drugs. Sell if you had no idea

    14. retard_trader on

      Let me get this straight, you got contracts expiring in January of 2025 for 0.33 cents a piece? Bro wtf

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