NVDA $400k gainz, max margin, only position


    Posted by OptionsTendieGuy


    1. AnyPortInAHurricane on

      how does this amazing trade help anyone ?


      you made 30% on a stock trade over a few months


      there are traders that make 30% in 13 seconds.

      there are traders who make 5000% in 5 minutes trading options


      Take your flex pollution elsewhere and ….


      have a nice day

    2. Sharp-Direction-6894 on


      If you’re max margin and not selling, how do you pay the margin loan interest? Do you just make payments from your additional cash?

      How long have you stayed on max margin? I always thought margin should be used for short term trading because of the constant interest accrual.

      Have you been margin called during the big down days? How does that work? Do you just deposit more cash to stay current?

      I ask these questions because I have been seriously considering doing the same thing – going all in on NVDA shares using max margin, but I’m still unclear in these areas.

      If you answer these questions based on your experience, I would be greatly appreciative. Thanks, and well done.

    3. ayampenyet16 on

      I can do the same, i just need 1 mil to start with. Mind to loan me 1mil?

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