1. billybeesesteak on

      Gonna wake up tomorrow and repeat “You are not Michael Burry” in the mirror like a thousand times so I stop trying to time puts. I need to go to a conversion camp or something I stg

    2. rip my fucking LULU puts. should have realized i was wearing lululemon shorts that if regards like me are buying their products, everyone is

    3. Historical-Cricket-8 on

      Do you really have to pay taxes if you make money on Robinhood??

    4. Bitcoin 2% from price discovery mode, and the ETFs are buying hundreds of millions worth a day. Prepare sooner than later

    5. LeatherRocks on

      LULU was near 52wk lows. Did you bears think it wasn’t all priced in already? 🤡

    6. PlasticHot7188 on

      made a bunch of money today and yoloed it into lulu puts

      back to even on the day ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    7. Jelly__Rogers on

      So I’ve been married for a few months now…..when do the blowies come back? They come back right? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    8. Never doubt the consumer power of middle class white women. This demographic has no concept of frugality

    9. If NVDA were to split, now, each stock would be $122.50.

      That’s lower than ARM and AMD.

      It’ll keep going up due to people getting confused.

    10. LookAtMeImInAGang on

      How come that bell at the top of the page doesn’t light up anymore when people choose to interact with me? Why would they make a bell light up anyway? It should make a ringing sound

    11. Tomorrow I get to wake up, go to work, enter a meeting at 8:30 CDT, leave said meeting at 8:45 and see whether my placement of my horizontal spreads of LULU at $350 is enough to overcome the IV crush. The long legs are out in July, so fingers crossed.

    12. tropicalia84 on

      Do people really think NVDA won’t hit $1300 by end of week before split?

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