finally i can afford a used car instead of catching the bus 🥲

    Posted by skibidi_bigbruh


    1. Mister_Lonely_ on

      Congratulations you can now be an uber driver ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

    2. idkwhatimbrewin on

      Why settle on a used car when you can do it a couple more times and get a Lambo?

    3. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      Anyone had Ollie ??? Smh fucking CRWD blew oil up my ass… But I was down 91% on a CMG call and it’s reversing 🧡

    4. OkField5046 on

      If you had 10 grand to bet on an option I’d guess you could afford a used car anyway..

    5. I love when these real world problems are solved by money printer going brrrrr.

    6. Status_Second1469 on

      Congrats and fuck you! But make sure you save some for the tax man

    7. Don’t forget, the IRS gonna want 30% next year. Don’t use all of it to buy a car. I would recommend saving 30-40% for taxes and $2000-3000 for insurance so you can pay off the whole year premium, that way you save the most money. Whatever is left is what you should spend on a car. Pay it off full or use as a down payment. Just watch out for unnecessary extra add-ons from dealership and extended warranty.

      That’s if you sell your options now. Or let it expire and possibly not have to pay taxes but at least you’ll get Internet points.

    8. Go buy an old Chevy for 2000 and keep that $ in nvda.

      You’ll be kicking yourself later otherwise.

      That position could be financial freedom real soon.

    9. What used car riding bus bullshit. With market value 30k you can be rocking a new EV with plenty of change left for hookers and coke.


      Nice work! You know, if you can just do that twice in a row, you’re looking at almost 100K…

    11. IntroductionWeak244 on

      With tax credit you can get a Tesla for that much. I did and I fucking LOVE IT

    12. MirrorAttack on

      Cash out and quit options for good or you will be begging for money next time

    13. proteenator on

      A used car doesn’t run on air and magic. There is “maintenance” and “gas”

    14. asleepyguard on

      Spent 10k on 1 contract lmfao. Congrats on the win but that was dumb af

    15. Existing-Gate7695 on

      Not to be that dude, but remember to hold back some for taxes. Obviously the gain is sick, just don’t spend all of it on a truck.

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