NVDA’s market cap surpasses AAPL’s market cap for the first time.


    Posted by animositisomina35


    1. MrForever_Alone69 on

      Not going to lie Im stoked because if I wanted I could buy a house with my NVDA stock gains, but my logical side as a CFA and financial analyst just can’t believe how NVDA is worth more than a lot of companies below it.

      Oh well have to love the FOMO.

    2. The only question left now is whether Nvidia ever catches Microsoft, or if it’s tomorrow.

    3. RaisedByMonsters on

      If they could keep going up and duke it out for top market share, that would be ideal for me because I’m holding both.

    4. EntertainmentSea1196 on

      Isn’t Apple some kind of fruit company I assumed they were in the the orchard industry

    5. TomatoSpecialist6879 on

      When NVDA takes the #1 spot, Gelsinger’s next interview is gonna be a 40 minutes rant about how INTC would have put NVDA outta business 12 yrs ago

    6. relevant__comment on

      Right before the split. Nice.

      It’s going to be pandemonium when they figure out how to shrink the form factor of the H100 and improve cooling.

    7. greenbroad-gc on

      It’s going to fall so hard at some point. No way it retains this number in the long run.

    8. CaptainDonald on

      It’s a (small) bubble founded on solid fundamentals. I’m conflicted. I sold at a huge gain a while ago, but I feel like I should play this game with you guys

    9. degenbro420 on

      Tommorow we will rock the world! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

      Meanwhile I’m PRE-RICH! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    10. It won’t be long before NVDA’s market cap is larger than the amount of money that WSB shorts have lost on this stock.

    11. I-am-in-Agreement on

      How do you guys not have anxiety attacks buying NVDA at ATH’s while being valued at stocks with 3.5x their revenue. I wouldn’t be able to catch a minute of sleep in anticipation of a huge sell off.

    12. Distinct-Spring6180 on

      What website is the screen shot from? I really like that it shows the business logos.

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