I’ll leave position in the comments


    Posted by Mcdolnalds


    1. FortunaCrypto on

      Today i yolod almost whole portfolio in mcd calls, so I hope you got some info on that? When am i getting rarri?

    2. Did the same with a 1/10 of the money you have. Took a big loss on another stock that is very bearish and has fallen even more since I sold, decided i needed to take a risk if I was going to beat the S&P 500 this year. Dumped 90% of my money into Nvidia and now I’m up big for the year.

    3. Mother-Platform-1778 on

      Woah I wonder what NVDA will reach tomorrow because it’s last day for the split.

    4. snipingsmurf on

      I cant wait for the day when this collapses, going to be so many fun posts.

    5. Sick. This has been a life changing rally for me too. 53k- 135 today. just sold all my 2024 calls this am and bought 100 shares. Feels damn good

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