I was taking the elevator in my apartment. The other passengers, a couple with a border collie, were discussing options trading.

    girl: "I don't even know what an option is, is it a stock?"

    guy: "It's really complicated, do you use Robinhood?"

    girl: "Yeah I buy lululemon every paycheck."

    guy: "Just buy some NVDA options, it can't go tits up."

    This is a true, paraphrased story.

    Also the dog was really cute.

    The bubble is upon us
    byu/moosebearbeer inwallstreetbets

    Posted by moosebearbeer


    1. Oh, where to begin? First off, this conversation confirmed that you live in a building where financial expertise is directly proportional to how cute your dog is. I mean, who needs to understand the Greeks when you’ve got a Robinhood account and a passion for yoga pants?

      The guy’s investment advice was top-notch, though. “It can’t go tits up”? Clearly, he’s the Warren Buffett of bad ideas. If only all stock market predictions came with that level of assurance, we’d all be lounging on private islands instead of sweating in elevators.

      Meanwhile, the border collie sat there, silently judging us all, likely thinking, “I could run circles around you idiots, and I don’t even have opposable thumbs.”

    2. It was you. Fucking weirdo listening on my chat. Also stop touching people dog without asking

    3. Salt-Resolution5595 on

      My brother told me his coworker was talking to him about NVDA today saying it just keeps going up. Neither of them trade & are both law enforcement

    4. I mean everyone has the internet and NVDA just passed Apple. It’s not some big secret stock.

    5. Walked past a guy at the bar today as he was checking the price history of AMC on his phone.

    6. Yep, sales guy at the auto parts store was telling me about options and how easy it is to make money off of them.
      I’ll check back with him in a few weeks

    7. Every day someone writes that it’s a bubble.

      That’s how I know we are going much higher

    8. misanthropic_anthrop on

      I really need something to go tits up to stop my future in in DT from vanishing

    9. campbellsimpson on

      This is like when ~~Michael Burry~~ Christian Bale has his sub-prime eureka moment in The Big Short

    10. ItalianStallion9069 on

      Everytime they say NVDA wont go up anymore it just fuckin does. Idk why man

    11. Honestly what happens when the tits get so big that they Have to go up or down?

    12. LovelyClementine on

      Everyone and your mom has been talking about aapl and msft for decades.

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