TXSE (Texas Stock Exchange) announced, yeehaw.


    Posted by Noobmode


    1. OddFellow1066 on

      “Wall Street” becomes “Y’All Street.” Whats not to like?

      Probably more bulls than bears in Texas….

    2. logjamtheredditor on

      Everything’s bigger in Texas … especially big, extremely dumb ideas like this one

    3. stewliciou5 on

      There should be a stock exchange where all stocks are shorted on margin from pension fund managers…..oh wait.

    4. giant_shitting_ass on

      It’s going to be a boon to HFT firms but otherwise will not have much of an impact.

      Remember, the SEC is a FEDERAL agency. All the important rules still apply.

    5. PicklePot83 on

      If they don’t have Howard Dean do the opening bell with “Ye-e-e-e-e-ha!”, then what’s even the point.

    6. New stock exchange, new arbitrage via best internet connection. Each millisec counts!

    7. RockyMountainOyster5 on

      This will go great with their 3rd world country power grid. Get ready for blackouts on the entire exchange

    8. Ok_Somewhere4737 on

      lol .. I tried to own a few Texas companies .. it went always down so good luck with that

    9. I know the SEC still has oversight here, but man these guys are fuck so many people over

    10. ChivasBearINU on

      Since everyone is a bear on this, judging on the comments, I’m therefore ALL IN ON THIS BABY! inverse Cramer effect…

    11. barrywalker71 on

      It’ll be run as well as their power grid, and fuck just as many of their citizens.

    12. AndrewHolyMan on

      We already have 13 markets in the country.
      1) Not sure why we need another
      2) Why this is such a big deal

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