I started scalping SPY options every day since April 30th when I swapped to a cash only account. I grew this account from being down over 6.6k. I have been blessed to have gone on such a crazy run this past month. I have only had one day with a $280 loss since then. I tried to post two screenshot but it won't let me.


    Posted by zzreggaD


    1. Deucerock17 on

      I’m currently just starting my daily SPY Scalping as well… currently averaging about 20 dollar gains a day this week each day lol hoping i get better soon to one day see my account like this in a few months – a year 🙏🏾

    2. bilingualbunny on

      I tried doing this for a while, didn’t really have a strategy that worksdo you just trade trends? Ranges? What time do you scalp at or is it an all day thing? I’ve wanted to get back into it at least on paper at first. Thanks.

    3. FIREsideFuel on

      Aren’t there supposed to be massive spikes? This curve looks too smooth.

    4. CorporalKnobby on

      Nope! You gotta turn your phone 90 degrees clockwise then you’re on to something.

    5. Sebastian_Pineapple on

      Not for WSB. You should have a red robinthehood line and post about losing your rent/mortgage payment and plan to give handles behind Wendy’s to your wife’s boyfriend.

    6. Grand-Enthusiasm6403 on

      Dump it all into options. That’s the only way to really go hard.

    7. Come on OP, there’s tons of regards in here (myself included) asking what scalping means and what your strategy is.

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