Ask me anything, I’m an expert now

    Posted by Lucky-Scientist4873


    1. Rexstone_Ragez on

      What is your exit strategy for all positions do you always have a GTC stop loss and profit taker

    2. AlsoInteresting on

      How long do you hold a stock? How many different companies do you have at any one moment in your portfolio?

    3. Lucky-Scientist4873 on

      In case it wasn’t obvious. I was being sarcastic in the title lol. I know I’m not an expert

    4. DrinkSodaBad on

      I am a newbie, are you or most stock traders classified as patterned day traders? Is there any downside if your account is marked as a PDT?

    5. TheGodlyAsian on

      Thoughts on holding calls through stock split. Like you have one rn and stock split is Friday

    6. How would you implement a long/short equity strategy to capitalize on market inefficiencies during periods of high-frequency trading and algorithmic market dominance?

    7. Does your wife like cuddling after sex? I don’t usually cuddle but she seems like the cuddly type

    8. NoSeesaw5882 on

      Explain “trailing stop”. Does this mean that if you buy a stock, it gets to 5% gain, then at the moment, you create a “stop sell” at the 5% mark?

      If held stock shoots up to 20% gain, do you typically take profits and sell the stock or invest more money into it?

      I have a similar strategy if that is what you do, but I’m only up about 16% YTD. I have a similar size account to you at 250k.

    9. not_a_cumguzzler on

      what were you trading, how’d you do it? how’d you master the discipline? did your do DD’s and set stop losses?

    10. Comfortable_Wind_141 on

      No questions but jasmy will make you a millionaire supposedly ima degenerate so I invest 🥷

    11. How long is all time? My all time is up like 200% I started in 2018 you’re still doing better but time matters.

    12. Careless-Pin-2852 on

      I did that and lost most of it 4 weeks latter i documented each trade here. About 11 months ago.

      Every one told me to sell and buy the S and P 500 I did not listen. And you wont either.

      It is hard to get in and out of options at 200k so you are more likely to get burned.

    13. GagOnMacaque on

      Does anyone know what color that is? Aside from trees, I’ve never seen it.

    14. Open a discord server and sell your course for $30 a month ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    15. How long have you been into investing, do you have any background or is it a hobby?

    16. If pee is stored in the balls, why does getting kicked in the nuts make me feel like I have to shit?

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