The market now values Nvidia at $100M+ per employee

    Posted by a_man_27


    1. pareofdocks on

      Nothing to see here, keep buying your calls

      Edit: On a serious note, this shows the value of having the best product in the world for something highly technical and highly desired. Being able to design leading chips that every business in the world needs, directly or indirectly, produces insane amounts of value.

    2. InhaleMyOwnFarts on

      One of the interns at work just asked me if I’m buying. Top is in. I’m sitting on a cash pile waiting for the pop.

    3. Whole market crashes if Meta, Google, Amazon decide to decrease compute expenses anytime going forward. Hopefully all this AI investment pays off for them

    4. cryptoislife_k on

      bullish not that many useless middle management layers but actual engineers I hope

    5. ThisCryptographer311 on

      The receptionists would like a word with HR and DR about comp 😂

    6. VariationConstant675 on

      This is not a real picture. The more recent employees will be more like future bag holders…’s like INTC back in 2001…. This picture or data is like making a bundle of loans with good and bad credit scores and assign a mean avg good credit score to the bundle…..same 08 subprime calculation….![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    7. bawtatron2000 on

      considering the wages of AI based engineers, this isn’t that far off….haha

    8. fixerdrew02 on

      Sniff sniff. No that’s not your wife’s underwear. That’s a bubble.

      Pop pop bitch

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