the US Unemployment Rate released this morning.

    Posted by betsharks0


    1. Rate cut chances just dropped from 74 to 53 for September. Looks like the job market is still a little too hot for Powell

    2. StockholmStock on

      Native-born workers: -663K
      Foreign-born workers (mostly illegal aliens): +414K


    3. So raising interest rates are meant to lead to rising unemployment?

      When are we going to admit Economics is no better than voodoo dolls and pins.

    4. Nothing matters…why do they even waste time putting out data. Just let the market go.

    5. Western_Building_880 on

      this is no leading indicator anyways. there are more layoffs happening.

    6. Parvashah51 on

      numbers say, mcdonalds can 10000k jobs and these numbers will be up, who wanna work there ?

    7. Why do people still pretend these made-up, over-cooked, numbers mean anything? Is there a more useless and political stat than the official unemployment rate?

    8. PtReyes4days on

      Never seen this chart before, i love the breakdown of the different unemployment categories

    9. Honest question, what industry are the job gains happening in? I work in advertising and things are not looking great, especially for the last year.

    10. TitusImmortalis on

      McDonalds, Walmart and Wendy’s are always hiring. People can only remain jobless for so long before they do jobs that they believe are beneath them.

    11. BillysCoinShop on

      BLS changed to the birth/death formula which added 100k+ bullshit jobs per month, when in reality based on household surveys, US lost 1.9 million fulltime jobs, while adding 2 million part time jobs to foreign born workers (not that I care, just part of the data).

      ‘Unemployment’ via BLS bullshit is actually at 4.0 now having risen from 3.9, of course actual unemployment rate as in % of working age not in work is around 26%, but 22% of those don’t qualify in the modern day BS equation

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