Boeing Passenger Jet Nearly Crashes at Bristol Airport Due To Software Glitch

    Posted by Appropriate_Ant_4629


    1. trollindisguise on

      Two hours before it overwrites itself.

      Its basically malicious compliance by Boeing

    2. DenyHerYourEssence on

      The title of this post is quite misleading. The jet didn’t nearly crash because of a software glitch. The glitch made it necessary for the pilots to set the takeoff thrust level manually. They had ample time to do this, but set it too low and didn’t catch the mistake during standard operating procedure.

    3. This is nothing. The only thing that could hurt Boeing right now is if they kill the 2 people they put in space and even that may not have much effect

    4. Powderfinger60 on

      Corporate America is always vulnerable to making harmful mistakes. Faulty wiring faulty computers & software bad design components not tested in all circumstances such as temperature. The airlines the FAA the NTSB the aircraft manufacturers. Corporations aren’t in the safety business they’re in the profit business. The FAA decides what’s safe & what’s not. Statistically flying is safe in relative terms but perceptually mishaps are high profile & involve a concentrated number of casualties. Flying is a demonstration of cognitive dissonance. You don’t really completely trust the airline the maintenance mechanics the plane builder the air traffic controllers but at the same time you are willing to trust all of it & take the bet. It took Boeing two 737 crashes & one near miss to finally figure out a hydraulic power control unit had a design flaw. The 747 had a cargo door latch design flaw. I’d probably trust Boeing over any particular carrier. Those planes only make money if they’re in the air.

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