Lost 120k on luckin. My average was 32,74.
    Life will be different, I feel duckin dumb as am I.

    I cant believe I did not sold back in November at 35-38$ range. Who could have imagined a 60% decline in a few months.

    Guess I'll stay forever poor.


    Posted by emilstyle91


    1. CoffeeDrinker82 on

      The real tragedy is how much coffee irl that moolah could’ve netted.

    2. Soon as i saw it said chinese coffee, Company, I was like, what.. The fact the coffee company name reminds me of a GTA 5 name, makes me feel less inclined. But hey, I bought shares of titty football, so each their own.

    3. Never trust a 🌈🐻. Winnie is literally a bear, how could you not see this ?

    4. cryptoislife_k on

      buys into a coffee bull run that ran for 3 years on top and then starts losing and then just marries the position and loses and loses and loses….
      RULE 1 of trading
      1. Never Marry a Position: Avoid emotional attachment to trades and be ready to change positions as needed.

    5. I remember doing a few options plays on luckin and bought some. Then few months later the report about its fake data came out and all trade haulted at 3 USD a share

    6. Tasty-Window on

      Imagine if you had put that into an innovative company like NVDA, instead of ya know, a Chinese coffee company…

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