(I know it’s not a lot but I just graduated and don’t have real money yet hehe)

    1) if it’s good enough to screenshot it’s good enough to sell

    2) no one ever went broke taking a profit

    3) timing the potential volatility post-split seems like a full time job ngl and I don’t wanna suffer a +25% to a -35% swing

    These are my thoughts, lmk how it goes come Monday, im outtie


    Posted by BusinessBabaBoi


    1. 2 years of investing to make enough money to cover half a months rent. Should’ve bought a way OTM call option. You’d have at least $50k

    2. Hey if you made a profit and needed the money. Then it was a good investment. Personally I’m still holding but that’s because I’m young and don’t need the money right now.

    3. On Monday it will go from $100 to $10000 a share, then split again 10000:1, then moon back to $1000 per share again. You’re going to miss out on massive gains man

    4. Daddy_Thick on

      Smart idea. Nvidia is going to correct to fair value… it’s all hype. They are selling “shovels” to people mining for “gold” in a region with no “gold”. All this AI stuff is expensive to develop and maintain for all these companies and the revenue/profit is not there for any of them for any of these products for at least a few more years. The current rate of expenditure will be slashed dramatically and Nvidia near term downside is 50 – 60% before the industry reaches a stable footing and Nvidia climbs steadily over the next 10+ years.

    5. I think it’ll sit flat, lets the plebs accumulate, rally a teeny bit, then dump. All based on a scenario that favours me personally ofcourse ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    6. whoisjohngalt72 on

      Cool. No one cares about your paltry gains. Come back with 10-100x the amount

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