Edit: I meant inconvenience fee. Also, I live in Georgia.

    Hi all,

    So 3 weeks ago I was rear ended on my way to work while in a work vehicle. They did not break and hit me at 55 miles an hour or more. I immediately had pain in my neck and back, and had an anxiety attack from the wreck (I was scared something was permanently wrong with my neck).

    I was transported to the hospital via ambulance and a CT scan showed I have nothing broken. My neck and back were in a lot of pain and I was out of work for an entire week. This past week a missed another day of work (now 6 days total) because I couldn’t get out of bed from back pain.

    My doctor has recommended physical therapy, and they also believe I need an MRI. They said it’s not uncommon to have more damage show up 6 months after a wreck. The car was totaled and they are giving my company $15k for it.

    Since the wreck I’ve had a constant headache. Some days it’s worse than others. When I googled my issues I saw a page on Mayo Clinic saying that whiplash and injuries can be more severe if the person immediately has a stiff neck and pain (which I did) and if it’s a high speed crash (which it could have been, not sure what makes it high speed or not).

    Progressive called me and the adjuster said they’d pay $7k for my previous doctor visits, etc – and they originally said they’d give me 1 month PT for $2.5K but changed it later to $4k PT for 2 months. The offered me $2.5 for the inconvenience fee, but later changed that to $3k.

    I’ve only spoke to the adjuster twice and have not asked for an amount on my own, these were offered to me. I told her I needed the weekend to think about this.

    I honestly don’t want to run out and get an attorney, but I don’t know exactly what to do. There is no telling how much damage I’ll from this in the future. When I said that to the adjuster she mentioned that they couldn’t pay out a lot for “soft tissue damage”. But I don’t know that’s all that’s wrong!

    I can’t pick up my kids, I have a constant headache, I literally don’t sit or lay down anywhere without a heating pad. I get that in a couple of months I could be better, but I also feel like there is a possibility my life won’t be the same and I may even have disk issues in the future.

    I’m worried that the offer isn’t enough. She says if I don’t agree I’ll have to go to another dept and the $3k is off the table. But what does it matter if I have doctors bills for years to come?

    Would it be fair to ask for more in the inconvenience fee in case of future problems? I was thinking of asking for $5k instead of $3k, is that unreasonable? I’m not trying to get a pay out, I’m just trying to not get screwed over.

    How much am I allowed to ask for in the “convenience fee”
    byu/TraditionalPayment20 inInsurance

    Posted by TraditionalPayment20


    1. LeadershipLevel6900 on

      You don’t have to settle right now. You can tell the adjuster that you want to wait and see what happens. That’s perfectly ok. You don’t need an attorney to do that either. You don’t have to give the adjuster a counter offer right now. Let them know you want to see how treatment goes.

    2. Busy_Account_7974 on

      Time to consult a lawyer. Don’t rush to accept their money. Once you accept their money, you sign away any future claims against them.

      Don’t know any lawyers? There are plenty of billboards or radio commercials for “car accident” lawyers, start there.

    3. Mangomama619 on

      If you haven’t done any active treatment since the accident 3 weeks ago, then $3000 for pain and suffering is fair. They’re also offering $4000 for PT that you may or may not actually do. So you could get a few good massages ((I’m not a doctor but that’s my favorite treatment)) and then pocket the rest of that money to make up for the inconvenience.

      You can certainly ask for more money. $5000 for pain and suffering would probably be my absolute top, especially with no active treatment to date, but you would need to give me a good reason to up my offer.

      You could also get an attorney, probably get no more than 5k after attorney fees, plus you’d be waiting months to settle.

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