1. I’m still bag holding SAVE so I can’t get involved with another airline…

    2. TheDirtyDagger on

      I hope this doesn’t count as insider trading, but I was at a trade show recently and there were a lot of Southwest guys huddled around a booth that had a new design that lets you stack two sets of seats vertically in a 737. Very bullish!

    3. HungryLikeTheVVolf on

      Investors have poured their money in airlines for a 100 years with terrible results.

    4. wsbgodly123 on

      The way to make a small fortune in airline business is to start with a large fortune

    5. callmecrude on

      Will be interesting to see how it unfolds. Their management has made a lot of good decisions over the years so I think this either boosts revenue, or it flops and they revert back. In general Southwest is the only airline stock I’d ever consider holding. They have the same flight traffic volume as the other big carriers while only flying to half as many destinations, and all using the same type of aircraft.

      Basically, they know their customers and provide an optimized and efficient experience. With both JetBlue and Spirit on shaky legs right now, there’s a lot of domestic air travel volume that could be going up for grabs, and Southwest is positioned well to capitalize.

    6. feralraindrop on

      I don’t know but I will share this; I never buy airlines, fashion, retail or restaurants for the most part. I find them too cyclical, too volatile and me too out of touch with trends to invest in. Southwest was one of my favorite airlines to fly. I hope they recover.

    7. >With that in mind, Southwest is considering breaking the cabin into three parts:

      >* The front third of the plane would be branded as Premium/Premier
      * The middle third of the plane would be branded as Select (exit row seats would still be considered Premium/Premier, if they fall in this zone)
      * The back third of the plane would be branded as Standard

      They should have taken a page out of the playbook of the USDA and used Prime, Choice, and Select.

    8. Business flyers would easily expense more costly seats if they are not able to fly mainline carriers up front seats…. Lots of money left on the table for them.

    9. alternativepuffin on

      Southwest Airlines exists because they took the turnaround time on an airplane from an hour and twenty minutes down to 40 minutes.

      That’s it.

      The reason their boarding process historically worked like it did for them was because it impacted their turnaround times. No assigned seating is more efficient.

      Unless Standard seating gets seated first, this doesn’t help their efficiency gain. In fact, it makes them like every other airline and they lose efficiency.


    10. Josepth_Blowsepth on

      SWA is broke. Has no money and extremely dated IT systems. Upset crews and pilots. Yeah it’s going to moon

    11. I sold my bag at a few K loss….been in it too long and fuck it…put that all into Nvidia so we’ll see how we go.

      Used to love LUV, but between their own fuck ups and Boeings, the trapdoor of bad news just hasn’t stopped for 2 years.

      Good luck I’m out that bish

    12. 12thandvineisnomore on

      Only thing I know is I booked a ticket from KCI to D.C. and southwest wanted $300 per leg. I got $300 round trip on AA.

    13. Southwest is barely better than spirit. I’d welcome better seating, boarding, and new classes. If they could introduce first class, I’d be stoked. Even if it’s “Delta level” first.

    14. I don’t like airlines. For 3 years I heard dal luv and ual, 1000 shares of each in my portfolio for the sake of theta only. I sold covered calls for years. After 3 years last month closed my positions. Even after the premiums I received from selling calls performance was not worth the work. Not buying another airline stock ever.

    15. mattenthehat on

      >Southwest’s plans seem way too complicated

      That summarizes my feelings perfectly. Also southwest sucks donkey dick to begin with, so… Just let me pick my fucking seat like the rest of the world, even movie theaters can do it.

    16. Voodoo-Doctor on

      The only ones who ever made money were the ones buying puts on 9/10/01

    17. Better opportunities out there than airlines imo. Tried w AAL and luv, sold both for very moderate gains. Glad I got out of AAL around 15 earlier this year.

    18. Any_Yogurtcloset362 on

      The CEO did mention recently trying to generate more income so this would be a way to do it. The only problem is with how much they’ve spent trying to improve their existing boarding process to milk every second, it seems wild they would move to a slower traditional boarding structure.

      I don’t see this as a thing unless they decide to expand into airbus models. The 737s are all uniform for a reason and this kind of change would cause problem from maintenance, boarding, and even crew training possibly (minor deviations but still there depending on if they need to sac a row for more space in the premium side).

      You could do this on a 321 and since it would be brand new, you wouldn’t ruin your existing behemoth.

    19. BarryMillion007 on

      Sounds like they’re trying to be more like frontier which is .. probably not good.

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