1. NewAtmosphere2443 on

      If you are holding 0dte NVDA puts you will probably be in luck tomorrow

    2. NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa65 on

      Bring us the sweet premium and forgive those too poor to lose it

    3. v4n_the_man on

      Lost 5k last week hoping gain it back on spy 528 exp Friday. Or my Nvidia put expire June 28 lol one of those please hit.

    4. B2BContinuum on

      You probably can’t tell but I’m like 2 knuckles deep in my nostril right now.

      Going for a nugget of booger

    5. 1. QQQ puts will print heavily into Tuesday after the Apple event ends.
      2. CPI doesn’t matter anymore.
      3. Get calls just before FOMC.

    6. Then_Profession8020 on

      I’ve missed you all, ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225) time to shit post

    7. Just got off my weekly briefing with Putin. I think he’s gonna buy GameStop.

    8. HowLongCanIMakeACock on

      POV: You’re using your phone as a mirror to shave your balls and you start seeing 47 viewers and emoticons appear on the screen

    9. BarbellPadawan on

      I thought I was frustrated about the Gamestock conspiracy tinfoil hats. That’s not nearly as infuriating as ivory poachers. Apes are arguably (though the jury’s out) more reasonable than people who think ivory has magical powers and will kill an ancient animal for its horns/tusks. Fucking human stupidity.


    10. NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa65 on

      Remember when the community used to do that morning talk show on discord – that shit was terrible no 🧢

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