1. Buy puts, call Nancy Pelosis office and tell her Nvidia is using my data to make me Republican, have her sue Nvidia and put Jenhsun in front of a Judge that thinks AI is a Facebook thing you download

    2. Call room service and tell them the room is haunted by a very naughty poltergeist…

    3. 11ll1l1lll1l1 on

      I have too much unrealized gains so I will just hold so I don’t get fucked by the IRS.

    4. darktidelegend on

      I think it’ll be more of a sideways range of 5-6 dollars for awhile

      Many will sell 50% of there stake and many who missed the boat will buy to get a position

    5. Redlight0516 on

      I don’t currently hold any NVDA so I am actually kind of hoping it does and will probably buy in.

    6. Buy more, in few months, this will double up, we are only in the Advent of the new age AI chips and more will fellow.

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