Tesla shareholders will vote on Elon Musk’s controversial $56B pay package this week: Here’s what’s at stake


    Posted by Minimac1029


    1. surfaceVisuals on

      how many chinese capacitors are employed, and why haven’t they moved to overcome cold weather issues?

    2. I’ll give one thing, at least he’s honest about only being motivated by money. 🤷‍♂️

    3. Didn’t a court rule that the $56B payout is illegal. This sounds like yet another lawsuit waiting to happen.

    4. billabongbooboo on

      Have you noticed how shit the cars look especially the ones on the road that are more than a year old. These cars shouldn’t cost more than $15k. Once BYD starts getting in their cars Tesla is fucked.

    5. Is the board made up of Elons kids, what the fuck man.

      He owns most of the stock, he shouldnt even be paid. How is this dude convincing the board to do all this shit.

    6. Neckbeard_Jesus on

      They either lose Elon or their stock has to eat a 10% dilution, they are fucked either way imo

    7. Defiant_Douche on

      Musk is a complete imbecile. His cult of personality is why Tesla has traded at a massive premium… not because he’s some visionary leader who underpromises and overdelivers.

      In fact just the opposite is true. He’s the queen of vaporware and the princess of ovwrpromising and always under delivering.

      FSD was “just around the corner” back in 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019. Now it’s pathetic dogshit which has to be called “supervised” FSD… doublespeak nonsense.

      Roadster has never been delivered. Cybertruck is dogshit. Semi is dogshit. All of it’s dogshit.

    8. I wonder how many won’t vote because they can’t find the emails, or it’s too much trouble…

      To cast your vote online, you’ll need to search for a specific email in your inbox, which may be in your spam folder (same email address that is associated with your broker account).

      Try searching for each of these three terms to see if you can locate an email from your broker sent in 2024:

      “id@proxyvote.com Tesla”

      “@proxydocs.com Tesla”

      “@saytechnologies.com Tesla”

      If you find an email, open it and follow described instructions.

      If you cannot locate this email, try voting by mail, phone or QR code.

      But i guess that’s an advantage to the board…

    9. blackbarminnosu on

      Out of principle I voted for it. We approved the deal years ago knowing full well what it could mean for Elon, but he produced the results and made all shareholders extremely wealthy. I don’t like the idea of one shareholder with 9 shares being able to undo what the majority voted for and a judge who showed her biases in the judgement

    10. Why would anyone vote yes on this. Elon is literally a liability at this point and emotionally unstable I think the company is better off with someone else

    11. This payout is more than ten times more than Musk said Tesla will spend on adding to the Supercharger network this year. Crazy.

    12. waIIstr33tb3ts on

      HOW TO VOTE:

      for people using fidelity – check your Message Center, one of the messages should be from tesla from 5/3. question 4 is the one about giving musk the bonus. vote AGAINST

      Last day to vote is 6/12

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