Elon Musk to Ban Apple Devices If OpenAI Is Integrated Into OS


    Posted by RandomGuyNamedChris


    1. BodyDense7252 on

      That’s one way to ensure no Russian or Chinese influence on the US elections considering Apple‘s absolutely dominating market share in the USA.

    2. in this article – tiny elon pitching a fit and shooting his mouth off based on little info

    3. He’s losing it. Tesla is slippning and he can’t get on top of the Ai game. More crazy outbursts coming.

    4. FireFist_PortgasDAce on

      Tim Apple: Appstore will no longer have Twitter.

      Muskrat: Surprised Pikachu face

    5. Elon wanted to ban AI because it was too dangerous Lol

      An apple, how? I assure you whatever you cut Apple from will hurt you and probably Tesla shareholders more than it hurts anybody else.

    6. StarsCanScream on

      And why wouldn’t anyone dump their TSLA stock with a CEO as reactive as this.

    7. Key_Security_1569 on

      Elon willingly hands over ID and biometrics to an Israeli firm located in Israel. 🥴

    8. Key_Security_1569 on

      Elon willingly hands over ID and biometrics to an Israeli firm located in Israel.

    9. Prior_Industry on

      Having seen him struggle to setup a Windows 11 laptop, no way he copes with a Android phone

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