What a bold move to switch the meaning of Al to Apple Intelligence


    Posted by No-Math-5079


    1. zxc123zxc123 on

      Actually it’s pretty fucking regarded and kindergraden glue eater tier.

      They literally took Jack Ma’s regard take that AI isn’t scary because he’s got [ALIBABA INTELLIGENCE](https://youtu.be/ulqRsqD0R64) and swapped out their name for Alibaba.

      Really reminded me of how a dumbass copied my test in 1st grade but got caught cause they also copied my name too. Apple too high IQ to get caught like that. [BONUS: Clip above doesn’t give the full highlights of dumb shit Jack Ma said.](https://youtu.be/yG6Ay3nlB84)

    2. Organic-Pudding5372 on

      yea I associate appl with 5 year old tech made for ppl who can’t work a android so yea I don’t want any part of apple intelligence

    3. notyourregularninja on

      Apple is not an artificial thing. It is a tangible asset 😂😂😂

    4. Optionzdegen on

      Well Apple tried an artificial pump, didn’t work, it fits. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    5. Here we go “smart money” puts on Nvidia and calls on Apple… idiots playing trends and call it “investments”

    6. Few_Background5187 on

      We love you Steve Jobs may your soul rest in peace high in the heavens above lord god knows u wore in it for all of us

    7. apple intelligence where “set a a timer for 15 minutes” == “set a timer for 50 minutes” and that’s all we do, everything else is openAI.

    8. TomatoSpecialist6879 on

      They did this petty move because they don’t want NVDA to pump while they dump every time they mention ‘AI’ or ‘Artificial Intelligence’ during the keynote, they’re trying to disassociate their tech from Nvidia. But it didn’t matter anyway since NVDA pumped the moment AAPL announced ChatGPT extension integration. It doesn’t help that it’s practically a spyware and most of their keynote being hyping up existing tech from years ago like it’s new because AAPL fans are gullible dumb fucks who’ve never use anything outside of the AAPL ecosystem.


    9. If Apple intelligence means Siri, I’m glad Apple separated itself from the AI group.

    10. The introduction of “CALCULATOR” for ipad and iphones is a major ground breaking revenue generating announcement by Apple today. I am getting goosebumps hearing this and am going to grab the first ipad/iphone that comes into market with this new “calculator app” Go Tim Cook! You’ve done it once again!

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