Lost on NVDA calls and then today on AAPL calls 200 for 6/21 . Had 200 contracts and got decimated . Savings gone


    Posted by Comfortable-Tea1177


    1. this is why people think (day) trading is gambling, because thats exactly what you just did. you know getting a more speculative outlook versus gambling can actually turn profits?

    2. Wait is this a joke? First of all, how could you lose on NVDA calls, it’s literally been up every week this entire year except maybe 3 or 4. I’ve managed to roll $1k in NVDA calls in January into about $44k today (just on NVDA) simply by rolling weekly calls each week and buying more on any dips.

      And secondly, 200 contracts on AAPL?? If you look at the history of the WWDC event, it’s always a sell the news event. But most importantly, the key to successful options trading is to never have a position so large that you will blow your account if it turns against you. Proper risk management is the key.

    3. Tim_Riggins_ on

      When will people learn that stocks go up before conferences, and then down at conferences. Sell the news

    4. I know that feeling. I would say don’t open any new positions until you’ve closed all your open positions. Take a few days off after that(cooling period) and you can resume after with smaller trades and smaller profits.

    5. Character-Memory-816 on

      Start sucking cock. 79,826 dicks later than you’ll be halfway to even

    6. Doggiesaregood on

      I went through your posts. It’s fascinating to watch a train wreck from a safe distance.

    7. PM_ME_YOUR_CAT_VID on

      FYI “decimated” means that you lost 10%. You did way worse than merely being decimated.

    8. MrPartyRocket on

      Buy 0dte yolo puts on Wednesday at 1:55. 50% you make your money back and some. 50% you lose it all.

    9. If you play this game long enough, you’ll see it repeat where a stock goes up leading up to an event, announcement, etc. and then a selloff when the event actually occurs. This phenomenon is known as selling on the news and that’s what happened with Apple today. News could have been great but you’d still see a selloff for various reasons as people wanna take profits, IV crush, priced in, etc. Take this as a very expensive learning lesson.

      BTW given you had roughly six figs, you could have been on the other end of these options trades as if you bought 100 shares of a stock, you could have been the one selling calls to people. Similarly you could have been selling puts as well. Playing options doesn’t just have to be on the long side.

    10. LIONHEART369 on

      first thing you need to do is stop trading right away and fill out a job application.

    11. You still have 12% left, you can turn it around. I was like 99% down 16 months ago and am now up 22% over my original amount.

    12. Particles1101 on

      Give me the rest and I’ll buy a trailer near my kids. It’s a humanitarian investment.

    13. Man you gotta stop buying options. Look long term and just buy shares. Wins are not as big, but you can feel good about making money. When you lose, you don’t lose so hard. Options are the easiest way to lose everything and be ultra regarded at the same time.

    14. SubSonicFish on

      You belong here, you lost on NVDA calls……that takes a special kind of talent.

    15. Hi, the Wendy’s I’m working at is actually hiring, should I put a referral in for you?

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