Saudi Aramco, world’s largest oil producer to invest billions into Louisiana Gulf Coast LNG Export Facility Driftwood LNG in coming weeks as an equity partner. The stock has rose 120%+ since its lows in April and 80%+ the past 2 weeks. With 168 Million shares short and news pending we are anticipating a large jump with multiple 100M volume days and a price target of $1.50 by end of June from it current share price of $0.87. Average option volume is 6k and today we saw 26.5k in options trading which is unusual. Stay tuned.

    Posted by asainfisherman


    1. I found out about the interest last Wednesday juat after the market closed. I haven’t seen any news confirming a deal. Can you share more about your knowledge of am agreed deal beyond being local that confirms the deal?

    2. Would have been an interesting play had you posted about it last week, when Reuters posted an article about the speculation. Now it seems like you’re using WSB to get one last pump on the stock and a nice volatility boost to your options so you can get out. I’ll pass.

    3. Due to grid storage constraints, I don’t believe that renewables aren’t going to displace fossil/nuclear in a big way until the 2050s. In the meantime, LNG is so clearly the best bridge option that I’m betting everything on it. Bridges the gap between green-energy realists and oil/gas hardliners. The financial fuckup that TELL has generated for itself present such a golden buying opportunity for investors like the Saudis that I can’t help but be weirdly optimistic.

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