I am a full blown regard


    Posted by Old-Advantage1449


    1. My dad had the setup on the top back in the late ‘90s. I don’t think anyone does that anymore, though.

    2. zxc123zxc123 on

      Sure. I won’t debate you on that.

      Fun note: Michael James Burry portrayed there by Christian Bale in the 2015 film The Big Short isn’t a trader nor is he doing any trading in that picture. Man started a hedge fund *Scion Capital* after showing some skill as a value investor. Then and even now Burry has a strong foundation in value investing based on Graham/Dodd/Buffett styles of analysis. Even now he runs a long biased hedge fund in *Scion Asset Management*. He’s best known for his big bet against the US housing market bubble but almost lost it all because he was too early (multiple years. Ahh yes, now I see why OP feels they are like Burry. Those 0DTE trades on SPY $600 calls weren’t WRONG. Just a few year early.).

      And here we have a OP who somehow made the frontpage (makes me question the state of the sub) by saying he’s a regard while incorrectly comparing himself to MB. OP is right on being regarded and shows direct proof of it. Bravo.

    3. 69mmMayoCannon on

      Nah unrealistic, the bottom picture makes it seem as if day traders actually make enough to be at home chillin doing this shit. You gotta make it so he’s looking at that big red arrow while taking orders at Wendy’s from behind the dumpster if you wanna talk realism

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