Invest in gay bois: Tim Apple & Sam Altman

    Posted by nokturno123


    1. bawtatron2000 on

      fuck me that’s a rocketship. congrats. I’m going to hate the rest of my day at my cubicle now.

    2. WestCoastAutistBull on

      Congrats and fuck you. Maybe I can make those gains when I have the balls to buy short term calls instead of being long shares like a virgin

    3. NoDiscussion9873 on


      Brah has big ball. Congrats!

    4. CommunicationHumble5 on

      You were supposed to hold until the contracts expired worthless, have you learned nothing?

    5. Trading_View_Loss on

      120k in short dated options ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

      I could never. What do they say? No risk no reward?

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