should i sell

    Posted by Mental-Adeptness-689


    1. ChampionshipSome6184 on

      Sell. I have been burnt before. If it pulls back tomorrow, you’ll regret it. You have a 4 bagger

    2. if you have to ask than just sell, take the win, or at least sell 1 and ride the other one until eod.

    3. Fearless-Sea895 on

      Brother sell and take profits. Get you a nice lil steak and lobster mac and cheese.

    4. i’ll be mad if you don’t. what are you trying to do, make $10k? do yourself a favor and take this as a huge W before you hate yourself for not selling now.

    5. Mountain_Tone6438 on

      Wait for the event to start today..

      It’s gonna pump till then. And if Tim Apple is cooking up something, it’ll hit 220.

    6. bushwickhero on

      Nah you hold that, this is about to be the biggest upgrade spike for Apple in years.

    7. I had these and positions and I fucking closed it to open HD and paypal and got FUCKED. I would have been up so much if I would have just kept the fucking position. Fuck paypal

    8. Not everyone gets to be DFV and end up with like +10,000%. Most people don’t even get nearly as high 500%. If it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell.

    9. Careless-Remote3562 on

      No one of ever became poorer taking profit. Don’t be greedy. Just take the profit

    10. Nah. Set stop and let it ride.

      Selling out of fear to lose gains is common emotional bias. Loss aversion.

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