Big Tim Apple Energy

    Posted by AAPLtrustfund


    1. BuySlySellSlow on

      With a name like “AAPLtrustfund” I would expect no less. Awesome gain!!! 👌🏻

    2. so how did you get 18% on the day with a 7% gain – you got a +200% in there somewhere…hiding.

    3. Muted-Woodpecker-469 on

      I’m guessing op has more than one account from various brokerage houses. Having one stock as your entire $3 million portfolio is quite the flex (not sure that 6% of spy counts as diversification).

      Can you share your diversified portfolio. You’re doing something right 

    4. InstructionWorking26 on

      Math not adding up… what’s that other stock you made 200k from?

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