Saudis dropping petrodollar, trade oil in all currencies

    Posted by first_time_internet


    1. Dan_inKuwait on

      Ho. Lee. Fuk. I didn’t even catch this today. Wow. This is new world order defining…

    2. Big_Muffin42 on

      Part of the rumoured Saudi-Israeli-US deal was to permanently make the US dollar the dollar of choice for oil.

      The Saudis really want this deal to go through. I highly doubt that they will suddenly renege on one of the US’s demands as part of that deal now. Especially given the fact that they have stood pat with Israel doing what they are in Gaza.

      I’m leaning on this being a giant nothingburger

    3. Substantial_Meat_222 on

      nothingburger. We got canada and mexico. Saudi needs us more than we need them.

    4. Guess it’s time to close all our military bases there and let those kings and princes fend for themselves. Fuck em.

    5. liverpoolFCnut on

      Nothing’s gonna change in the near term. Russia tried doing this already with Indian Rupees and Chinese Yuan and all that resulted in is a pile of rupees and yuans that they couldn’t really use. That said, as with all great currencies someday in future the USD will lose its global reserve currency status, whether that happens due to wars or waning US power is anyones guess.

    6. Live_Pizza359 on

      Other currencies are bigger risk to hold than dollar. Dollar is the best there is.

    7. This history is made up. Nobody has posted so far any source for this other than “some guy told me on reddit”. And this article is the same… zero sources

    8. Worth_Transition5188 on

      A bunch of dictators arguing about who’s money is better, but they will not trust each other

    9. Jorel_Antonius on

      21 years in the Army and I have my retirement paperwork. Guess that’s not gonna happen now.

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