Musk pay package Approved

    Posted by Maverick2937474838


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    2. Why would this cause the stock to fly? Isn’t the money coming from stock holders? Lol?

    3. killerbeeswaxkill on

      Figures the cultist would approve they love getting railed by Elon no lube.

    4. People are seriously fucking stupid. Pick your own fucking pockets to take up a collection for the 3rd richest dude in the world. Pleas everyone. The man deserves to be paid 100x more than any CeO in history. Wut?

    5. Sea-Serve-8054 on

      Elon is a complete psychopath…take my calls though please 🙏

    6. Slight_Moment5728 on

      My options for 6/21 for 200 strikes i bought at @1 at market closed will be worth a lot wow

    7. I wanna see The Boring Company design a dank lawnmower that can also tunnel underground. Call it a lawnmoler

    8. singlebullet on

      Voting continues into Thursday, and I’m not finding this outcome being reported on any major news sites yet. Just checked. Apparently Musk himself is talking up that it’s going his way, but that could just be Musk hyping Musk, as usual.

    9. I like how he said ‘currently’ like they could reverse… Seems fishy already… Thankfully he’s never lied to his shareholders before.

    10. Why would they reincorporate in Texas? Are they stupid? Seriously are they stupid?

      I can’t wait for teslas next big corporate suit to be delayed 40 years because they chose to incorporate in a state that gives 0 shits about corporate governance.

      But hey… it’s what the shareholders want. So… what can I say

    11. jermain31299 on

      Whoever doesn’t get why this is an issue:

      Around 5 million tesla were sold all time.
      The Company assets are around 100 billion.

      He wants 50% of the Company worth
      / 10000$ per sold car.
      Do you see the Issue?
      The only Reason he hit the targets/the value of the shares is so high is because people are stupid and created a bubble based on musks twitter memes/tweets.He is basically promising the moon causing the stock to skyrocket and now wants to sell as high as possible because he knows a Correction/Crash will come soon once shareholder realize the stock is only going down because of other companys Catching up quick while not Delivering said promises.
      Thunderf00t does differnt videos debunking most of his shit if you guys are Interested.

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