And now TSLA valuation just went up even more! The new roadster can FLY! HE WOULDN'T POST IT, IF IT WASN'T TRUE! This is what he explained a few weeks ago by combining Space X and Tesla technology!

    Posted by Ill_Try1620


    1. We cant have flying cars because we don’t need cars dropping out of the sky and falling on building and people.

      There is zero regulation for this. This is just stupid if you believe this. You belong here

    2. LightMission4937 on

      Elon to mars with a 1 way.

      Mhm… Tesla is almost 10 years later and still doesn’t have Full Autonomous driving.

      If Elon says it can, it definitely can’t/ never will.

    3. I am not a US citizen, so pardon my ignorance, but do you not have rules and regulations about insiders, owners, majority shareholders and so on, making statements for no other reason than creating volatility in the stock?

      Seems insane if this is legal.

    4. -Indictment- on

      And the Optimus Robots will take over the job market. Haven’t you seen the video of one putting batteries in a box? It only takes 20x longer than a human. At a $400k price tag and constant $20k software updates required for it not to kill itself, it truly is the future. $75T incoming boyz.

      Wait, do Cybertrucks work as a boat yet? Or are their owners still waiting on that software update? Either way, I’m sure it’s coming. Thank god the lord and savior got a $58b pay raise. The world’s richest man doesn’t deserve to be so underpaid.

    5. “HE WOULD’T POST IT, IF IT WASN’T TRUE” I guess OP belive in Santa Claus too

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